Post by Chris GreenPost by Jeff GainesPost by Jeff GainesPost by Jeff GainesOne drive not recognised, a 2 TB WD again. I tried it in a couple of slots
but it seems to be the drive as the slot works with a different drive. It
does work if I attach it using USB and chkdsk says its fine. I think I
will strip it off and put it in as a bare drive to see if I can get it
recognised then I'll set it up with Partition Wizard. After the issues and
crashes I had with the Star Tech kit I guess I shouldn't be too surprised
at a screwed up drive?
That worked as far as it went. Mini Tool Partition Wizard said it was a
"bad drive" and Windows Disk Management just says I/O error. I'll check
the warranty status tomorrow, at least the local post office know how to
send things to the Czech Republic now after the last one!
It's in warranty, WD has issued an RMA. Bit worrying as I bought six of
these in 2020.
Even more worrying is that a Crucial MX 2 TB has now also failed, I'll do
some tests on it tomorrow. These were all used in a QNAP NAS, 4 of them
set up for RAID 6, might that have killed them?
I think the complexity of all this is the major problem! There are
multiple drives of different types in one system, they've been in a
NAS, they've been [re]partitioned, they've had multiple interfaces.
Over the past 20 years or more of running computers at home I think I
have had about one disk drive fail (maybe 2) out of dozens I must have
My older NAS (now retired) had a WD 4TB drive in it that ran for ten
years or so without problems and it still reads fine if I want to see
some very old archives.
My current NAS has an 8Tb drive bought in 2020, no SMART problems at
Yes, it's anecdotal, but KISS is a good philosophy for hardware as
well as everything else.
Interesting, I've just sat down to have a cup of tea and think this through!
Thinking out loud a bit....
There are three potential points of failure:
The backplane on the new Silverstone case.
The LSI SAS 9207 or its cables.
The drives themselves.
I have spent the morning trying different permutations. The top drive in
the case won't play with the LSI 9207.
After LOTS of checking fiddling swapping:
I tried it on a USB connector on another PC, no probs recognised
immediately, disk check found nothing.
Took LSI 9207 out, put 6 x SATA PCIe card in.
Connected two of the ports on the card to the backplane.
Drive recognised immediately.
When I've had my tea I'll wire up the other drives and ensure they can all
be recognised. Assuming they are recognised I think I'll stick to the SATA
PCIe card and have reasonable grounds for returning the LSI.
My drives do get swapped around a lot, my 10 or so PCs are a substitute
for the Meccano set I never had!
Hope that all makes sense.
Jeff Gaines Dorset UK
I was standing in the park wondering why Frisbees got bigger as they get
Then it hit me.